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Async planning poker for remote teams

Capture sizing conversations you can look back on, then vote and push to Jira in one click

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See how it works

Watch a quick overview of planning poker

Size tickets async

Sprint planning has never gone so fast

Kill your weekly backlog grooming meeting

Point tickets as they're created, with any clarifying Q&A written down instead of forgotten

No more squinting at a screenshare - view the issue at your leisure

Once the team has voted, push story points to Jira with one click

View Issue

Show shopping cart in right sidebar

User Story

As a shopper, I want to see my shopping cart in the right sidebar of the page so that I can easily keep track of the items I have added to my cart and proceed to checkout without having to navigate to a separate page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The cart is displayed in the right sidebar of the page with the product name, price, quantity, and a thumbnail of each item.
  • The cart dynamically updates as users add or remove items.
  • The cart uses our design system and matches the mocks.



Jenn Miller ยท 3:56pm

The API is already done, so this is just the front-end piece.


Integrates with your project management software

Teaminal integrates with your project management software so you can create pokers with just one click

Automatically size your tickets

Update your tickets from Teaminal

All your agile meetings, not just planning poker

Teaminal is more than just a planning poker app - you can use it for standups, sprint planning, retros, and more

Use the same app for all your agile meetings

Everything is in just one place

Point tickets virtually

Replace your sprint planning meeting with an async alternative

Async by default

Unlike other realtime-only tools, you can point tickets asynchronously across timezones

Deep integrations

Automatically create poker tasks when issues are created or updated

Take action

After voting, set story points on the Jira issue with one click

Get clarity

Ask clarifying questions and capture that conversation rather than having it disappear

Totally configurable

Configure your story point progression and integrations

Slack reminders

Remind your team about unpointed tickets in the backlog that need their attention

Better agile meetings

Try Teaminal risk-free and start streamlining your team's meetings today

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Free for 15 users No credit card required